Tuesday, January 29, 2008
My first bath....

...aawwwwww!!! 1 week old, what a worm!
posted by Jamez at 10:37 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Father & son!
Here is a sequence of pics Letizia took of us being foolish... good thing pics have no audio!

posted by Jamez at 12:47 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
One week old
His favorite way of falling asleep...

...besides nursing :D

...more sleeping...

hopefuly he'll wake up sometime then I can post some action shots of him, but for now I'll let him sleep.
posted by Jamez at 11:18 PM | Permalink | 2 comments
Cookies anyone????
Daddy's baking adventures with the girls...
So what can a father do with his two girls till his son grows old enough to excuse legos & remote controlled cars!?!? He makes cookies... actualy makes them bake cookies while he plays with his toy camera!

...more oats!!!

...their favorite part...

...& the final result!! They were actualy very yummy!

posted by Jamez at 10:49 PM | Permalink | 2 comments
Saturday, January 19, 2008
On that eventful night...

I have been sparing with the details of the birth as it’s not something I'd really write up about,

besides the obvious "oh it went well, was quite fast, etc etc..." something funny happened tho & that I do want to share... :D
Was about 4:30 am we had been up & were timing the contractions to see if it was time to go to the hospital. Here in the UK you have to call in advance to let them know you will be arriving. So at about 5:00 we decide it is time & I get to do the phone call. I dial & get a very sweet British midwife on the phone, after a few standard questions I get hit with the weirdest, most unexpected question one could get in this situation here is how it went...
Mid.: (about Letizia) ok, is she Jew?

(my mind racing trying to figure out why in the world would that even matter.... why a Jew, was it the surname?? NO!!! maybe it was a standard procedure here... a bit confused I mustered a..)

ummm... excuse me?!?!


Mid.: Is she JEW!!!

At this point I don't know what to say, my mind keeps racing trying to think if maybe it was some request we had made on our previous visit to the ward... I was getting nervous too as I thought it was too weird... what if I was Arab.... I would have hung up the phone, probably sued them...(there are lots of Arabs here, not a very politically correct question)

Me: ummm... (I was blank but I knew I was about to say something stupid as I don't like to ask the same thing more than once.)

Mid.: Jew, when is she Jew

Me: Ohh, due!!!!!! right
(now it all made sense)

& on the phone call went...
well it worked out for good as it kept Letizia laughing for the rest of the day.
As for me, I still have a hard time understanding brits when they talk... what can I say, "Jew" & "due" sound totaly different when I say it... it does feel weird to be in an "english" speaking country & most of the time not have a clue of what people are talking about. If you've been here you know what I am saying!

posted by Jamez at 11:20 PM | Permalink | 7 comments
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Hello world!
Hi there, my name is Jaden Keith though I've already been nicknamed "James jr" or "worm" ("vermolo" by my dad). I've been around for about 40 hrs now & I must say I like it. I weight 3kg (barely) & I am long.. ish that is why I tend to look skinny (thus the "worm" nickname).
So far my skills besides swiming consist of what my dad refers to S.E.S (sleep, eat, s...)
Here is a better pic of me, yesterday my face was still squishy...

k, this post has made me very tired so I think I'll go to sleep!
Hope to meet you all one day!
posted by Jamez at 10:56 PM | Permalink | 7 comments
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Jaden Keith is HERE!!!!!!
He was born this morning at 07:02 water birth, everything went smoothly...
Here are the first shots of his first day...

Getting dressed..


I am tired, it's been a LONG day...

more to come tomorrow, now my daddy is tired....
posted by Jamez at 11:06 PM | Permalink | 1 comments
Monday, January 07, 2008
Day in London with.... Brian & Elixir!!!!!
Brian & Elxir decided to spend the NY in London so we spent a day being "tourists" in London with them... for the occasion the weather dropped down just a few more degrees so it was actualy snowing (barely)... it was FREEZING!!!!

With uncle & aunt under a big clock they had there..

Elixir beeeing....... Elixir, really....

The British Natural History Museum...

LOOK!! a Dinothor...

I found Lumpy!!!

See?? you click there...

The rest of the pics can be viewed here!!!
posted by Jamez at 11:14 PM | Permalink | 1 comments
Christmas holidays....
Christmas with the girls was LOTS of fun...
Here is Alyssa singing carols:

and Sheryl showing off one of her presents...

Fun at the play center...

skilled drivers...

sweet sisters watching a toon after a long day...

Our Cmas tree...

posted by Jamez at 10:57 PM | Permalink | 0 comments