Saturday, January 24, 2009
Me, myself & I
My name is Jaden & I am 1yr old.
It's been one interesting year to say the least & every day I learn something new.
Last week I discovered that shoes float. Right before my bath- which happens to be my favorite time of the day- I quickly threw one in my tub & there it was, floating. I thought it was pretty awesome, mommy not so much, daddy thought is was funny.

I am also learning to become an assistant photographer, here I am helping my dad set up for a shoot, I needed to pose & look natural - which for me is easy, while he tested his settings.

Jaden's first portait

I also helped by holding on to the lens cap since he is always losing it, ok I also gave it a nibble, I had never tasted one before.
The things I enjoy learning most though is how to play with people's emotions. It comes in very handy.

For example, if I walk up to my daddy's computer & nod my head while I switch it off since I know I am not supposed to, he'll get a kick out of it regardless of whether he lost hours of work or not & pick me up since the computer is off anyways.

Or even though at night he might grumble about having to sleep on the floor since there is only room for one dude in mommy's bed (ME), but I figured if I crawl to the edge of the bed in the morning & call him he'll wake up in a good mood & forget all about it all. Easy & most of all, it works!!

with daddy

Ok, I am off, need to go & practice my "guilty" face daddy likes, the go check how his cellphone is doing in the mop water, hope it still works cause I like the picture of Megan Fox on the screen!
posted by Jamez at 2:15 PM | Permalink | 8 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The promised slideshow...

posted by Jamez at 2:04 AM | Permalink | 1 comments
Jaden's First Birthday
This weekend we celebrated Jaden's birthday. It was lots of fun, he really enjoyed it.

Uncle Jonny & daddy had lots of fun too with the camera, took more than 400 shots (I am still sorting...)
We finaly have some decent pics together...

Sheryl already getting into fads...

Alyssa "fishing"

I'd post more about the progress this little dude has made in this first year, but right now I am too tired & need to finish sorting...

His most used words are daddy (why of course) & ball.
He loved the party & even helped clean up at the end (have pics of that) will post a slide one of these days.
One of his favorite presents...

(check out the cool RBKs he got)
posted by Jamez at 1:35 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
2009... what a start!!
The kids are finally better now, they got sick the day before Christmas & the flu lasted all the way till a couple days ago. So much for spending quality time with them... :D spent most of the time cleaning up the... lets move right along.
There was also nice moments, those moments that define Christmas, that make it such a memorable time, like when Alyssa eagerly opened her present with great anticipation (she wanted a remote controlled helicopter) & found just what she wanted - should have seen the smile on her face, only to lose it 5 minutes later on its first flight (daddy wanted to check the "range", it hasn't been found since.) Yes, I spent most of the 25ft (& part of the 26th) looking for it, our neighbor lady was kind enough to let me look in her yard, she insisted I shouldn't worry about ruining the plants, "Oh don't you worry about my silly garden (I later realized she might have just been fishing for compliments here, as they are really into gardens)" she said " you just find your poor daughters helicopter". I think I either missed something or she underestimated a desperate father, cause she looked pretty terrified when she came back out & found me with her pitchfork, scraping my way through her garden. Well, it's not there, of that I am sure. I later checked the box & it has a 10mt range. ITS TINY!! at 5mt it’s the size of a fly, why would they make it go all the way to 10mt. My only fault was in the choice of color, mommy suggested pink or red but I opted for the cool camouflaged model. (had I known)

Alyssa is a real trooper though, this is her about half hour later...


more pics from the "holidays"



Jaden before he lost half his weight...


posted by Jamez at 11:49 PM | Permalink | 0 comments